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Adrian Peterson pampers his wife with some custom jewelry from Chase Gregory Jewelers!

Pro NFL running back Adrian Peterson from the Washing Redskins spends the day away from his kids and pampers his wife with a date to remember. Play It Forward follows Adrian Peterson and his wife Ashley Peterson as they visit Chase Gregory Jewelers.

Ashely Peterson has been long searching for a special angel pendant that she lost on a previous date with AP. After telling friends of his struggle to replace Ashleys angel pendant, Adrian was quickly referred to Chase Gregory Jewelers.

Washington Redskins NFL running back Adrian Peterson, his wife Ashley Peterson, and Chase Gregor Jewelers owner Chase Geissel.

The Petersons and Chase Gregory Jewelers owners Chase Geissel spend time together going over the specifics of this elusive and hard to find angel pendant. Ashley finally finds what she is looking for and requests a custom yellow gold diamond angel pendant. Owner of Chase Gregory Jewelers, Chase Geissel, makes sure that Adrian Peterson doesn't leave the shop without his very own piece of jewelry. Adrian Peterson has a trip to remember when Chase gifts him his very own diamond studded GOAT Pendant.

NFL Redskins Running back Adrian Peterson and his wife Ashley Peterson

Chase Gregory Jewelers thanks Adrian and his wife Ashley for trusting in our craftsmanship and dedication to detail. Our team here at Chase Gregory Jewelers is proud to add AP and his wife to our client roster. We thank Play It Forward and Yahoo Sports for covering this unforgettable moment.

If you would like your very own piece of custom jewelry then reach out to our team through our website, instagram or email.

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